Do Your Job - By Kim Curry

1 Corinthians 12:18 

But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

We recently held an auction to fill our fantasy football rosters for our teams in the FBCW fantasy football league.  We picked a QB, RB, WR, etc.  Why didn’t we pick 11 QB’s* or 11 RB’s? A Team is made of many members playing different roles.  Are the linemen unimportant?  Ask any QB the importance of a good offensive line.

The same is even more true in the Church family, the Body of Christ.  We all have different roles, but the body cannot function without all the areas filled. Some are good at physical work, some are good at contacting and checking on people, and some are good a hospital visits.  Whatever our gifts, God has called us to serve His kingdom in our homes, our church, and our places of business. As Sean Payton of New Orleans Saints said a couple of years ago, “Do your job”.

By Kim Curry

*Steve Urbina may have taken 11 QB’s, but 4 is the limit.

Kim Curry’s favorite scripture is John 14:1-6.

Kim has been married to his wife Janice for 46 years and has been a member of FBC Weslaco for 47 years (I think we can all see what happened there). They have two children and five grandchildren. Kim, who recently retired, has spent 40 years in Information Technology as an Application Developer, and has served as a Sunday School Teacher for 39 years, recently becoming a master of the zoom platform, and a Deacon for 37 years. When Kim speaks, you should listen. His words are equal parts wisdom and comic relief. You have to be on your A-game to discern which is which!

Kim enjoys hockey (thanks in part to the former Rio Grande Killer Bees), football, basketball, and boxing with his favorite sports team being the Dallas Stars. Kim also enjoys playing guitar, operating a ham radio, and laughing!

This Devotional was originally posted on September 18, 2019.